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The St. Michael - Albertville Women of Today chartered in March of 1984. The chapter is part of the Minnesota Women of Today and United States Women of Today organizations. Our focus is community service, personal growth, and building friendships.

5 Reasons to Join

the STMA Women of Today

1. MEET NEW FRIENDS:  Get to know other women in your community who share a common interest in making the world a better place. Enjoy the opportunity to socialize with enthusiastic women from around the state.

2. GET INVOLVED:  Be part of your community. Plan fun, new events for families. Be part of the solution.

3. LEARN NEW SKILLS:  Sharpen your writing or speaking skills, enhance your organizational abilities, and learn to be an effective part of a team through participation in projects.

4. MAKE A DIFFERENCE:  Share your strengths with others. Use the leadership opportunities to motivate others, meet goals, and gain confidence in your abilities.

5. TREAT YOURSELF:  You're worth it! Be a part of a group that is just for you. Give yourself permission to grow, develop, and have fun as an individual.Are you ready to become a member of the STMA Women of Today?



We are a dynamic and diverse women's organization interested in the betterment of our community. We are not politically or religiously affiliated. We are women from various backgrounds, communities, and life experiences.


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Current Board

President: Carol Gore

State Delegate: Lucy Kanu

Membership VP: Julie Davis

Treasurer: Lori Goutermont

Secretary: Linda Pritchard

Programming VP: Sherri Streff

Past Pres/Parli: Candi Testa


Craft Show



November 18, 2017

9am - 4 pm

St. Michael – Albertville
High School
5800 Jameson Ave NE
St. Michael, Minnesota
Member Resources

The Women of Today utilize a variety of forms to improve communication, share ideas, and manage the organization. The following are some of the most commonly used forms, which can be downloaded, completed, and submitted to the appropriate person for consideration. 

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